

Do you experience?

  1. Diabetes Private Health – Pudendal Neuralgia, Urinary Problem, Stool Problem, Sexual-Health Problem.
  2. Rheumatic Private Heath – Pain in private area, urinary retention, Chronic pelvic pain, Pain while urination, Pain while sexual activity, Pain while passing stool, Urinary leakage, Inability to hold urine for long time
  3. Fibromyalgia Private Health – Pain in private area
  4. Endocrine Private Health – Low testosterone – Erectile Dysfunction, Premature Ejaculation, high FSH level – Infertility
Book an appointment with super specialist

Rectal Prolapse Rehab

Do you experience?

  1. Feeling of something coming out of rectum after coughing, sneezing, laughing, lifting etc.
  2. Stool leakage
  3. Constipation
  4. Rectal pain or bleeding
  5. Excessive mucus discharge in stool
  6. Heaviness in the private area
  7. Feeling like sitting on the ball
  8. Feeling pressure in the rectum
Book an appointment with super specialist


Do you experience?

  1. Less than 3 stools a week
  2. Need external pressure on abdomen to empty the bowel
  3. Need to insert finger to empty the bowel
  4. Feeling of incomplete emptying of bowel
  5. Feeling of blockage in the Rectum
  6. Not getting enough urge to defecate
  7. Piles or haemorrhoids
Book an appointment with super specialist

Interstitial Cystitis

Do you experience?

  1. Pain or burning while urination,
    • Passing small amount of urine,
    • Inability to have smooth urine stream.
  2. Pain-burning in the private parts (perineal area)
  3. Burning sensation,
    • Sensation of pins and needles
    • Feels like 1000 cuts
    • unable to wear tight lowers or underwear
  4. Frequent urges to urinate during day and night.
  5. Need to forcefully push the urine,
    • Feels like passing urine through a heavy object.
  6. Pain, burning, discomfort during and after sex
  7. Pain in Private area (Pelvic)
Book an appointment with super specialist