This product is non-refundable. The content is not and should not be taken as a substitute for diagnosis, treatment and advice given by your doctor. The content of all the marketing, branding, advertising, and promotional material, etc is designed for conceptual awareness purposes only. This product should be used with prior consultation with your doctor. Purpozo brands private limited, Dr. Het Desai or Jimit Medico Surgicals private limited shall not be held responsible in any manner. It should not be used for pleasure and as a sex toy. This is a wellness product only. The intention of this product is to improve functioning from ordinary to better in natural ways. It is not intended to be used for diagnosis, cure, mitigation, treatment or prevention of any disease, disorder or conditions. Please consult your doctor, if you have any issues. For any dispute, jurisdiction Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India only.
I understand that virtual consultation is the use of electronic information and communication technologies by a health care provider to deliver services to an individual when he/she is located at a different site than the provider. Electronically transmitted information may be used for diagnosis, treatment, follow-up, and/or patient education, analysis, research and may include any of the following: Patient medical records; Medical images; Interactive audio, video, and/or data communications; and/or Output data from medical devices.
Patient Consent To The Use of Virtual Consultation:
By signing this form, I am consenting to participate in virtual consultation. I am acknowledging that I have read and understand the provisions in this form. If I am unable to read, I am acknowledging that health care provider has read & explained this form & how virtual consultation service works to me. And I have authorized IPH clinics – Super-Specialist doctors / medical personnel /para medical staff to administer self-examination and plan of care during the course of all the sessions of patient care. By this undersigned I also consent them to use my medical information for research & analysis purpose.
I hereby give my informed consent for the use of virtual consultation in my medical care. I hereby authorize IPH Women Clinics – Purpozo Brands Private Limited to use virtual consultation in the course of my diagnosis and treatment. For any dispute, jurisdiction Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India only.